What Should I Wear In Summers? 

By Lo Stilista – “The Indian Fashion Blog”


A question “what should I wear in summers” arises to almost half of our female population including me [excluded half because many are infants{they know nothing} and old ladies{they know everything}] 😛 who’s just too confused to understand the summer weather. The weather is always almost unpredictable because of what we’ve done to our planet. Extreme is happening guys!

Talking about summers, how can you not think about pink? I just COULDN’T resist taking this dress out for a day out at Bangkok. I’ll share the pictures soon in a separate post. Not knowing where it all started, I didn’t realize when I was transformed into a typical girly girl. I think I can now finally relate to what I’m doing. Being a fashionista is an easy task for a fashionista, not for someone who is just aiming for that. Or maybe, I’ve always been one not being aware of my true self. 😉 I guess I’m just getting rubbed and being polished to become my real self and this pink outfit came up as a sign to me! This “pinky-pink” outfit, in all its elegance, teaches how you can rule with simplicity. I did accessorize it a bit keeping the occasion in mind but trust me guys, this pink dress is a complete outfit in itself. I think the half balloon sleeves are to be blamed here.

My mission was to look for a fuss-free sort of outfit and this cotton pink one was a perfect pick from my tiny miny closet which I could think of to play with. Yes, “cotton”! After questioning myself “what should I wear in summers?”, the first word that’s spoken by my cute angel is “Cotton!”. It’s too hot out there! The shots were clicked at the hotel’s pool area at Bangkok and this is where I got my entire pictures clicked of the Bangkok trip outfits considering the beauty of this place. Also, getting clicked out in the streets, just like models do, seems embarrassing to me so far. The accessories I chose to wear were nothing but a chunky pearls fringe necklace that I was MAJORLY missing to wear since long and I needed something I could match it up with. And there comes this dress from H&M right in front of my eyes!

The earrings looked not so bad with the outfit I chose but I think I could have managed to wear something better than this one. I’ve quite a collection of earrings now and I haven’t worn much of them yet. Basically, I’m just looking for the right outfit that team up better with my gathered stuff. I paired my dress with the only wedges I own. Although I’m not a fan of heels, I can definitely wear them. They make me uncomfortable almost everytime and as not being completely a girly girl, it ain’t no good for me, girl!

So, when the next time this thought comes to you “what should I wear in summers?”, consider the fabric should be cotton or linen, in some summer shades like lighter versions of the basic colors and avoid layering, please. These tips should save you from getting wet from your sweat this summer.

I’ve also written a separate article where I’ve provided some tips that’d help you pass through this summer in a most stylish way. Summer Time – 6 Pieces To Invest In – Go read!


what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers

what should i wear in summers


Outfit Details:

My pinky dress- H&M
Wedges- Kamla Nagar
Earrings- Strobberi, Bali
Necklace- H&M


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