Hello young ladies!

We are living in a time where fashion has no stop. It’s changing in a blink of an eye. Not sure about who’s the culprit behind!! Which species to be precise? Man or Woman? The man loves “variety” and Woman, sadly, is as usual stuck in her hormones. 😉 You can’t really blame either one.

There’s no point digging into it, so let’s come to the crux of the matter. Tassels!!!! The glamorous change! Have you heard the term before? Of course! Because you must have worn them. Or probably used them in your handbags, accessories or footwear. Tassels are a new way to adorn your monotonous look. It changes your appearance in a way you can’t even imagine. They are in and doing wonders to the women’ fashion world.

I think my school pompom days are back! 😀 😀 😀



My pictures below were clicked in Langkawi island, Malaysia. I chose to go with the most comfortable pieces from my closet as it was an island and I preferred to wear something that let me stay at ease. And thus, I wore the simplest of my dresses with a twist. As I mentioned in my previous article, I do not always go with the brands but with the style. And the days indeed ended on a relaxed and happy note. The twist was nothing but some add-ons to the original outfit.

Scroll down further to check out the details. 🙂


Tassel Earrings
Top & Long tassel earrings: H&M ; Shorts & Floral Shrug: Sarojini Market, Delhi ; Flower slippers: Colaba Causeway, Mumbai



Tassel Earrings
Dress, Alloy round tassel earrings & army stole : H&M




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