I’ve been writing about fashion a lot and then was introduced with my interest in home styling as well but never really wrote much probably because it’s hard to work on many things simultaneously. To cut the long story short, I’m really excited to tell you that my blog is no more about just fashion but about all of my favorite things and trust me, as they say “people change”, it’s not any less true considering my interest being inclined more towards other things than just fashion. Maybe that’s the reason I didn’t feel to write much about only fashion anymore. Life means change and I quite flow with it.

With that comes another news, my business setup in arts. I call it arts because I’ve kept my options open but so far it is about, prints, paintings, wedding cards, murals, canvases, and anything one can make out of art. It’s the best gift I could possibly receive in my life, along with writing and sharing my thoughts on various things.

Here’s my website saritanakradesigns.com if you want to have a look! 🙂


lostilista, sarita nakra designs, sarita nakra, artist, writer, lifestyle magazine, lo stilista new vision, lo stilistas new vision lostilista, sarita nakra designs, sarita nakra, artist, writer, lifestyle magazine, lo stilista new vision, lo stilistas new vision

Snapshots from Art Gallery!


This is why I couldn’t manage to write on Lo Stilista for a while. But better late than never, I’ve finally managed to come back to the blog and speak about so much more. I gain inspiration from my surroundings and hence, there is a lot I would like to highlight, especially the learnings that I gained from my personal experiences in terms of the revised categories mentioned below.

So, to sum it up, my blog is going to be about:

  1. Home designing,
  2. Book recommendations,
  3. Fashion of course,
  4. Health and lifestyle,
  5. Travelling
  6. And a few of my personal stories/ thoughts.

You can read my About section which will enlighten you about Lo Stilista’s new vision.

I’m hoping to stay updated on my blog and trust me, I desperately wish to but this quarantine situation has got me to do a lot simultaneously so *fingers crossed*.


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