It’s only been twice that I’ve been to Sarojini Market and I’ve fallen for it like anything. Some of you might not believe me on this basis of my previous posts as I’ve talked about it so many times that it implies I’ve been there numerous times. But that’s really not true! Yes, I’ve got a lot of stuff from Sarojini, but that all had been picked up in those two days time. I heard good things about the market but never believed them to be true enough to persuade me to make a visit. I always thought that the kind of variety you see in the mall, and the kind of designs and the creativity they offer is something unique and I wouldn’t wanna go with the ordinary which I “thought” I’d find in Sarojini Market. I love to wear something that’s offering some twists in the outfit. The first time when I went to Sarojini, in January 2018, is only because of those reviews I was hearing from quite a long time. And, the day went amazingly well. I preferred to go alone as I really wanted to explore it my way and I didn’t want any second thoughts. I did have company though, my decision of not tagging anyone along turned out to be a blessing. I picked up a lot of stuff and I was amazed with the fact that it didn’t cost me much. The total money I spent on that day was almost the same as I spend on one single outfit from the mall. And it made me even happier when I tried all of my acquired stuff. It looked great and the day was worth it. That day has changed my beliefs about Sarojini and I got more careful while shopping. Its not that I only buy from Sarojini now, but I make sure I’m picking up only some unique outfits and not the usual ones from the brands out there.

I’ve been shopping from Lulu & Sky lately and the pieces I found there are just amazing. I’d definitely be coming back to you on that so keep an eye on my blog and you’ll see what kind of uniqueness I’m talking about. 😉

This blue shade floral cape dress drew many eyes on me and this is the first time it happened in Bali. Had they been known about the price of the dress, they would definitely had come to me to know the place/shop/brand. 😀 😀 I pulled this one just a week back from the day I arrived Bali and it perfectly complimented to me. Floral dresses are a must-have for summer and spring so go shop and gather as much as you want from Sarojini. This one costed me just 250 INR!!!! You might get tired gathering amazing stuff but it won’t end provided you’ve those eyes that can differentiate distinctive form the usual. Have a look at my post Floral In Vogue to see more of my collection in floral. I’ve got one more outfit from Sarojini which I’ll be showing you soon, just be right here.


floral dressfloral dressfloral dress floral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dress floral dressfloral dress

floral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dressfloral dress


Outfit Details:
Floral Cape Dress- Sarojini Market
Slippers: Metro, Mumbai
Alloy round tassel earrings: H&M



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