Before you go to sleep – Lo Stilista

As the quiet of the night approaches, it is time to take the hint and act accordingly. This doesn’t mean you only have to arrange your bed before you go to sleep, it is also about steering clear of certain habits that can disrupt your journey into your dream world. 

Don’t worry, we are here for your rescue. 

If you steer clear of these 7 habits before you switch off the lights, chances are that you will slide into your dreamland very smoothly enough. 

7 things you should avoid before you go to sleep.

  1. Avoid Screen:

    In these modern times, it is tempting to scroll through our devices until the last minute and sometimes even more. But these engagements with your phone in the night or any screen for that matter can prove to be counterproductive. It is because the blue light that emits from your gadgets interferes with the production of melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. No hormone, no siesta. Hence, avoid screens for at least 1 hour before you go to sleep.
    Also, dim the lights and switch off all the bright ones to bring a slight dullness into your house that will signal your brain that it’s time to relax and snooze off. 

    7 things to avoid before you go to sleep, lifestyle blog, health and fitness, mental health, motivational, indian blog, indian best blog, lostilista, sarita nakra, magazine blog 2

  2. Say NO to your munchings:

    If you indulge in large, heavy meals or indulge in greasy, spicy, or fatty foods before bed, it can lead to indigestion and discomfort. It’s best to avoid these heavy meals within 2-3 hours of bedtime. If you’re really hungry, opt for a light snack that promotes sleep, such as milk or nuts, but do not put food unnecessarily into your body before you go to sleep.

  3. Say NO to Sugar:

    Also, avoid sweeter foods like desserts, etc. as sugar increases restlessness in your body, especially at night. Insulin helps convert the sugar into energy and hence, you can’t think about rest afterward. You must take precautionary actions and break the old patterns that have been encouraged for very long.

    7 things to avoid before you go to sleep, lifestyle blog, health and fitness, mental health, motivational, indian blog, indian best blog, lostilista, sarita nakra, magazine blog 2

  4. Avoid Caffeine:

    As it suggests, you must announce a curfew for caffeine after 4 pm every day. Caffeine is a stimulant that can linger in your system for hours, so it is better to avoid it after the time suggested. Since your body will have ample time to metabolize the caffeine before bedtime.

  5. Avoid Excessive Fluids:

    Staying hydrated is indeed important but you must also remember to not gulp large amounts of fluids that may lead to multiple midnight bathroom trips. Hence, do not drink anything 1 hour before you go to sleep, and if you feel thirsty, have some water 20-30 minutes before turning off the lights.

    7 things to avoid before you go to sleep, lifestyle blog, health and fitness, mental health, motivational, indian blog, indian best blog, lostilista, sarita nakra, magazine blog 2

  6. No Intense Physical Exercise:

    While it’s important to work out every single day, it is equally crucial to not do it right before bed. Exercise raises your body temperature and stimulates the release of adrenaline, which makes it harder for your body to settle into a restful state. Therefore, avoid workouts in the night. You can workout in morning or evening and if it is difficult for you to add it to your routine, “Workout works out” will be a perfect read after this.

  7. No Intense Mental Exercise:

    If you engage in mentally stimulating or stressful activities before bed, it can make it difficult to relax and quiet your mind. Avoid work-related tasks, intense discussions, or any heated debates before bedtime. They can force you to think too much before you go to sleep. Instead, whatever tasks you feel are left, you can pen them down in a small notebook to refer to them the next day. Also, pen down your thoughts before you snooze as it’s crucial to stop the mind chatter that can contribute to the disruption of your sleep.

    7 things to avoid before you go to sleep, lifestyle blog, health and fitness, mental health, motivational, indian blog, indian best blog, lostilista, sarita nakra, magazine blog 2

Achieving a good night’s sleep involves more than just finding the perfect sleep atmosphere. By being mindful of the activities and habits before you go to sleep, you can create a conducive atmosphere for a calmer night. So, follow these pointers that are proven to be successful in achieving a night of good quality sleep.

Sweet dreams!


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