It’s been a while that I’m back from Bali but it wasn’t updated on my blog and that’s only because I still didn’t want to feel like I’m back! I love my home too, but who doesn’t want a vacation forever without compromising on the constant flow of money?

There are still few outfits left I really wanted to show you but never got the opportunity to wear them so maybe later. But there are few I clicked for you guys to show you later and the later has arrived! Hence, one of the outfits, which I, once, wore in Bali, is right here!

I’ve always been in that category of people who love colors. I’ve never stuck to any one type of shade. There are people who have one specific style or shades of clothes in their closet, but I’m not one of them. I love the variety and like to try every single shade and style, provided, it looks good on me. And hence, here comes a “50 shades of rainbow” kind of piece. 😉

This one I picked from Sarojini. I’d not opt to wear this in Delhi, but for a place like Bali, it was just perfect! Colors, Cotton and Comfort, the 3Cs that should be an “ethic” for spring or summer dresses! It has just cost me 150 bucks and I’m rather proud to tell you that just to explain the concept of “wise use of money”.

This one is a blouson summer dress full of colors with Bisou Bisou racerback (love this name) 😉 and with tassel belt. Now, this is the kind of stuff you should take when you’re heading to such places. This piece was a hell of comfort. The green beads bracelet I’m wearing was bought one day back in Bali itself and it was actually not bought but forced upon us by a small street vendor and we didn’t make a big deal buying it until it’s bringing them some happiness. The financial status of most of the Balinese people is low so it was a kind of help. This bracelet was going well with my outfit so I decided to wear that. Earrings and footwear were a repetition, details below.

Hope you like the pictures!

PS:  I’m highly tanned, oh, never mind!


summer dress


Outfit Details:
Dress: Sarojini Market
Bead bracelet: Street-seller from Bali
Straw brim hat with a bow-knot: Bali local market
Slippers: Metro, Mumbai
Hoop earrings: H&M



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