Well, well, well! We all make resolutions at the end of every year, and the moment we enter the new year, our puff-like oaths just vanish into thin air. It becomes hard to stay motivated, to stick to the plans.
Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone, you’re not weird. We are humans, and humans are not perfect and normal. What’s normalized is only a myth and a lie, there’s nothing normal about humans, how can it be, they are after all a breathing soul, with brains, limbs, and love.
Hence, Lo Stilista will never judge you, we all sail in the same boat anyway, what matters is that we at least dare to accept our limitations and then expect results.
After you do that, there are still going to be a lot of hindrances that might try to distract you from the path, a lot of things that might try to lure you towards quick results. Trust me, that’s not gonna happen, so, don’t even try that. What really can make it happen is your consistency and dedication towards what you want to achieve, and that’s only hard to maintain because we are always lured by evil’s FAKE promises.
We have all the power to shut it up and follow our path, sincerely. The process is simple, learn to stay motivated in the process and no evil can catch you.
How to stay motivated?
Here are a few practical ways you can keep the evil where it belongs, without bothering you much:
1. Overnight success is a lie you’ve been told:
Success overnight? Who gets that? The pillars of success are hard work, consistency, patience, and failures, how can success be manifested overnight after standing on pillars like these?
Nope, you are misled. Check your facts again, google about success, and learn about successful people, you will then know you’re going in the right direction if you’re failing over and over.
“No, the guy in my colony became successful overnight”, or,
“No, that guy or girl is so rich just by doing blah blah blah”, or, etc.
Again, lie! How you perceive other people’s success is only because you’re living in your skin which is hurting. The ones you see successful are equally hurt, or even more, and those who look like have gotten so much so early, then wait, the life is still in the process, it will unfold for everyone.
The magic about life is it is the same for everyone, an equal amount of pain and happiness.
If you want more happiness than pain, then accept pain gracefully, hug it out, as you hug the pain of gym when you have a goal to lose some inches. It doesn’t feel too hard then, especially when you see those inches really going away from your life.
Overnight success is an illusion, a fake story that you’re telling your brain all the time. And, the more you tell it, the more it expects better, and the more it feels bothered to act for nothing.
Don’t feed your brain lies, understand success, no real rich people got richer so fast, and those who are born into richer families have to face what you may not have to. They might not have the ‘NEEDS’ of the soul in their lives which you’ll never become a witness of.
So, let it go, the idea of quick success, no success is quick, only death is quick, when it comes, it doesn’t give you much time, just quickly takes you away.
2. Difficult is not difficult and easy is not easy:
Another illusion you must learn to let go of if you want to know how to stay motivated in the process is this- “the idea of difficult and easy”. What you perceive as difficult, is easy, and what you see as easy, can gulp your entire life right in front of your eyes and you wouldn’t even realize it.
If it’s not true then tell me why-
- You let go of the “difficulty” of a year’s hard work on your health and then ACCEPT being fat, unhealthy, and depressed for your entire life.
- You deprive yourself of an hour of skill-building time each day using any lame excuses and then ACCEPT being a servant of arrogant and selfish bosses.
- You eat garbage all the time and then ACCEPT living on medicines.
- You make your ego win all the time and then ACCEPT being burnt by it every single moment of your life.
Trust me, it’s just another lie.
No one in this world is your enemy except you, and, just no one can stop you from succeeding except you.
What we perceive as difficult might be a little difficult because you’re LAZY, but, the laziness costs you immense, it costs you the one chance you’ve been granted to experience life’s magic. The touch of life is wonderful once you understand how precious and giving it is. The universe is always serving you, it is a genie that is made only for you, only with one condition you must act from love and not your ego. You must learn to push yourself a little more every time.
God’s way of living must feel hard but is only a test of your dedication, and your surrender. But evil’s ways of living are destruction, depression, and war.
Hence, understand the difference between actual difficult and actual easy.
3. Patience Is the Key – enjoy small wins in the process:
Another fact you have to accept is Patience.
When you make plans, don’t expect returns like nothing is going to happen to disrupt it. Know in advance that things will happen that might try to distract you away. How to stay motivated and still stick to your plans is by abiding by the rule of being patient.
You don’t have to be too quick to achieve anything. Being quick will only misguide you from your path.
We always try to run after a butterfly and we never catch it, the only way to catch it is to be focused on your thing and it will come to sit at your shoulder by itself.
You have heard this right?
You just have to focus on your work, live by Lord Krishna’s rule, “do your duty without expecting results” and he is there to give you what you deserve. It works, it really works. If God’s rule won’t work, then whose will?
You believe in God already, you know he is there somewhere, and he has shown you many signs of his presence to you, it’s you who is in a hurry, who is in denial mode all the time. Accept him and his words, you’ll eventually see his hand in everything.
Life is wonderful when you do not expect and just live, with patience and understanding that no action is being wasted away. Every act of hard work and good work will come to fruition in its time and agree or not, God’s times are always the best.
Hence, cultivate patience in yourself, and practice all the ways to become a patient person, who knows the butterfly will have to come to you eventually. Meanwhile, you can enjoy every moment in the process, live all the emotions, and be full of life.
Here are some easiest, smallest and the most effective resolutions you can begin with.
New Year Resolutions – A list of 70 Resolutions To Choose From
4. Respect God in yourself:
There are only two forces that can take over you.
- God
- Evil
What you give power to, becomes you. You do good with people, you’re a living God, you do bad to people, you’re still God taken over by evil spirits.
If you wish to live in hell, continue listening to evil who is giving you all the reasons to not do anything and be lazy and dumb.
But, if you want to live in heaven, you must learn to listen to the God that you deep down are, all the time.
There’s an Arjuna who is an unconscious part of God and so his intellect, ‘Krishna’ who is a wise, conscious God, who knows what wrong might occur in your life by your acts. Learn to listen to it, and respect it, it is your master, it will only lead you to heaven. And why wouldn’t it, it resides in heaven, where else can it take you?
Hence, listen to your God if you wish to stay motivated and achieve your desires. The wisdom he provides to act in certain situations and act upon it. Do whatever your heart guides you to do in your journey.
- If you feel like learning to play guitar, do it, do not postpone.
- If you feel like learning about physics, start studying until your heart feels full.
- If you feel like going on a solo trip, listen to it and just book the tickets.
Your heart’s guidance is always aligned with your God, except, they should work out peacefully, without hurting anyone directly in the path.
Always, and always, listen to your heart, it is the only way to reach your destiny.
5. You and the most successful person have only 1 difference – She/He never stopped:
Resilience is the common thread that binds the most successful people in the world.
The difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is just that.
A successful person just kept going irrespective of what they had to endure.
Be out of the victim mode, that you’re the only one in pain. As I said earlier, it is a lie you’re telling yourself. It only depends on you how far you take it.
To know how to stay motivated, you must also learn the fact that successful people only refuse to surrender in the face of adversity. Acknowledge your setbacks, they are universal, happening to each individual according to their level of endurance that’s always invisible to the naked eye.
Hence, embrace your challenges, and love them, the only way to achieve your dreams is to be focused on your path and take every challenge like a video game. You do not compare yourself with people playing on level 10 when you’re just starting. You just play and without noticing, you are playing level 50.
That’s what going to happen in life. Just do not give in to adversities believing you’re a victim, rather play them on believing it is just another challenge that you will only get through if you focus on playing.
6. Your tears are natural and obvious:
You’re a human before you’re anything else, accept its limitations, its emotional responses.
- Yes, you’re going to cry when you fail.
- You’re going to cry when people will try to stop you.
- You’re going to cry when you feel alone and without support.
If you want to know how to stay motivated in the process, you must also know that ‘Tears’ are a natural and common aspect of the human experience. Tears do not mean that you’ve failed or you will always fail, they only signal disappointment or exhaustion.
When one runs a race, they do get exhausted, but that doesn’t mean they believe they have failed.
Tears are the emotional exhaustion, let it come out, cry it out, cry fully, even loudly if there’s no one to notice, but cry it out. If those tears don’t come out, they become a bullet for the people in your surroundings later. Do not take your exhaustion out on other people. When you cry, the entire pain of exhaustion gets released and you’re washed, you become pure, and, ready to hit the floor once again.
Hence, cry if you want, but release it all out before you start again.
7. Give up when you feel like giving up, but get back to it the moment you feel better:
Exactly, give up! It might seem funny because all you’re learning about through this article is how to stay motivated and NOT GIVE UP, but we are still asking you to embrace giving up.
Giving up is natural. You learn by trial and error and you don’t have to keep stretching yourself for the things that don’t serve you anymore.
Everything serves its purpose in your life, and when you achieve its optimal requirement, you must learn also bid it farewell.
You can’t play piano, guitar, sarod, etc. and at the same time learn to dance, bake, swim, etc. One thing at a time is enough if you’re doing it with 100% attention and focus. If you feel 24 hours feel too little, do as much as your heart, mind, and body allow and give up on everything else, at least for a while.
This is the only way, you truly never give up anything and achieve more goals than by sticking your nose into every other goal.
Hence, GIVE UP if it feels too much for now, but only with the idea of keeping your doors open for it in the future.
8. You’re not a machine but a piece of Universe full of drama:
Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re not a machine for God’s sake.
You are literally a piece of Universe that is full of stories and drama. Your own story is a dramatic play of your soul. Live it fully.
Do not expect 2+2=4 from you since you’re not a calculator. If your heart guides you to give 10 after receiving 2 and 2, then that’s it. You proved you’re a piece of Universe who tends to give as much as it likes to, or, as much as needed around you. There’s no limit to how much return you give to the Universe by your actions.
Hence, practice self-compassion.
If you can give, you also sometimes need which you should not be sorry about.
Know that, you’re full of flaws, you’ve lived a story unintentionally in your childhood, and you could not act then in your freedom. Hence, it is only strange to expect an organized life from you. You’re way more than what anyone can see on the surface, you’re a sum up of billions of narratives that you lived each moment in your life. There was excitement, fun, dullness, happiness, tears, anger, rage, fear, etc. that got piled up in you, that makes you a human, not a machine.
Therefore, to stay motivated, you must accept your dramatic sides and then make plans or goals accordingly.
9. Manifest your success to stay motivated:
If all the above points went straight above your head, then this will definitely work.
The power of words extends beyond communication. It influences your thoughts, emotions, and actions. That’s how the law of attraction works, making your thoughts a reality all the time.
Hence, never say ill to yourself, about yourself.
Always speak good about you and your life to the Universe and yourself.
Initially, it will be hard to believe some things, but once you make it a habit, then is when the wheel of the law of attraction starts to open the treasures towards you. Speak it so many times that it becomes your truth. Even fake, you will eventually start believing in it. And when that happens, you will not have to look for reasons to stay motivated, your constant manifestations will keep motivating you to achieve more.
How to stay motivated is something you learn gradually. It is a dynamic process that involves embracing the journey, respecting oneself, and cultivating resilience. If these traits feel hard to inculcate, go straight to step 9 and first manifest all these traits and then go about your journey to success.
If you enjoyed reading this article, there’s more to push you ahead in the path of your success. Read “How to be productive” for tips to move further in this journey.
“Lo Stilista wishes you a great new year ahead!”