Ruffles or frills, started their journey in the 15th century and never-ending its influence over people, is doing great in terms of fashion. Connoting the sign of strength and power, nothing could take its place. It stands strong in its own vicinity and so, my frill top. Here’s how!

Ruffles are nothing but a little twist in the ordinary and they can still manage to change your look from casual to formal. Ruffles are unisex though, you’d still not find them too common for men in India. Countries like Germany, US or UK still have this kind of attire for men. As, for them, it goes on very rare occasions.  I remember the days when I loved seeing them on my frock, back in my childhood. Nothing can beat the feeling of joy I used to get from these ruffles. It was my first crush back then that lasted forever. 😍

This lemon shade frill top I’m wearing is one of my favorites for spring. It’s very lightweight and the material that has been used in the making of these frills is Georgette. This frill top can be tagged along with jeans, trousers, or skirts. I decided to wear it with this black skirt I got from Shoppers Stop. Although I don’t exactly remember the name of the brand, if you go to Shopper Stop, you’d find various brands where you can get a variety of apparels. I was looking forward to wearing something that wouldn’t make me uncomfortable and yet look decent enough for a hangout, and these cute little frills did the job.

Try frilling or ruffling once and you’ll fall in love with it. So far I’ve explored, Lulu & Sky and Cover Story are the brands which are inculcating these styles in most of their pieces, and in a way that every piece looks different from the other. That vast these ruffles are and creativity is no limit. 🙂

H&M has a vast collection of frills as well and that too in nominal rates, so you can explore their collection as well and you’d find a variety of frill tops.


frill top

frill top

frill top

frill top

frill top frill top


Tip: Make sure that you wear something simple and plain with the frill  top or dress, else you might end up looking like a mess. That’s why they associate “Ruffles” with “Power”.


Outfit Details:

Lemon Shade Frill Top: Cover Story
A-line skirt: Shopper Stop
Army Cap: Reebok



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