Overcoming self-doubt begins when we become curious to eliminate it.

Intelligent or not, we all function based on our programming. We like to think we’re fully aware of our behavior, but that’s as false as believing the Earth is flat. People believed that once too, right?

Truth be told, most of the time we have no idea what we’re doing or why!

About 95% of our lives run on autopilot, without conscious approval. This unconscious behavior is often the reason we struggle with overcoming self-doubt.

As humans, we run on programming. We’re not much different from robots, but here’s the twist, we program ourselves! Overcoming self-doubt often requires rewriting this internal code.

How Does That Work?

Humans are naturally programmable. Every second, we absorb something new. Our brains are constantly fed information, whether we notice it or not.
A big part of overcoming self-doubt is being mindful of what we allow into our mental space.

As adults, we have some control over this. But as children, nothing was in our hands. Data poured into us, whether true or false, and shaped who we are today.
Much of overcoming self-doubt involves unlearning the limiting beliefs formed early in life.

Who we are now is mostly a reflection of that programming, not who we consciously chose to be.


If a child is told repeatedly they are worthless, they grow up believing it. Even if life presents opportunities to prove otherwise, they’ll likely sabotage them. This is called Confirmation Bias.

Overcoming self-doubt means recognizing and challenging these false narratives.

Confirmation bias means we seek out and believe information that aligns with what we already think, even if it’s harmful.

Challenging that bias can feel like shaking the foundation of our identity. It’s hard to let go of what feels like “truth.” But breaking that foundation is the first step to changing our lives.

Facing Our Fears

is the key to stop doubting yourself!

Most of us avoid our fears because we think they’ll destroy us. But imagine stepping into the fire, knowing we won’t burn.
Facing our fears dismantles old beliefs and reshapes our identity. This process is crucial for overcoming self-doubt.

When we survive those moments, we build a new belief, that we are capable. Suddenly, the doors that once seemed closed begin to open.

We feel more stuck because we get anxious while facing them and we have a solution for that as well.

Signs Of An Anxiety Attack- Recognize & Wipe Them Out

Why We Stay Stuck?

Holding onto old beliefs keeps us stuck. We sleepwalk through life, repeating the same patterns. Overcoming self-doubt is the key to breaking free from this cycle.

If we want to change, we have to start with our minds.

Remember: We are not our brains.

Our brain is a tool. What we feed it shapes our behavior. If we start feeding it better thoughts, our actions follow, and gradually begin overcoming self-doubt and stepping into confidence.

3 Tips to Reprogram Your Minds to Overcoming Self-Doubt:

  1. Stop Feeding Negativity
    Our body reacts to fear, whether it’s a ghost or a tough life situation, it doesn’t know the difference.
    If we constantly take in negative news, toxic movies, or harmful content, our brains will prepare a “dish” filled with fear and anger. Every decision we make will reflect that.
  2. Start Consuming Positive
    In the same way, negative input creates fear, positive input creates hope. Read books, learn about health, and consume content that inspires us.
    When tough decisions come, we’ll have hope instead of fear, and hope opens doors.
  3. Self-Mastery
    We must take control of our brains. Don’t let them control us.
    Consciously remove beliefs that limit us. Pay attention to our thoughts and question them. If our life isn’t where we want it to be, it’s time to press delete on the mental junk holding us back.
When we follow these steps, self-doubt fades.

P.S: Some people in our lives will drain us, and we can’t always cut them out completely. But we can manage how much time we spend with them.

Even if it’s a family member, we can limit our exposure until we’ve peeled away the layers of negativity. Protecting our minds is our responsibility.

We have the power to meet a new version of ourselves, just be brave enough to let the old one go.

And, hence, stop doubting yourself right this moment!

Overthinking – How to STOP!

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