Nothing to wear???? Help from Lo Stilista – The Indian Fashion Blog is available! Ha-Ha!

“I’ve nothing to wear” is a thought that pops up in our brains whenever we open our wardrobes and we are being provoked to buy more and more. But guys, don’t you think it’s a pattern that has been made and just like a virus, it’s scattered all over? I feel it’s nothing more than an illusion we have put ourselves into! We have a sufficient amount of clothes hanging happily in our respective closets! The only thing that’s required is the way we look at it! Just this once, for a change, have a quintessential look towards your closet! You can definitely end up looking classier than before!

We all have stuff we wore few times and it looks no more good to us! But don’t you think, that’s something that’ll put you in some trouble? What trouble? Financial trouble, of course! More than half of this world’s population is being dragged towards the idea of wasting their own money! It’s a fact, guys! Buy yourself something you really like but don’t buy for the sake of proving people your financial status. More than half of this world’s population is doing the same and for a fact, nobody gives a damn about your financial status!

If you ask me, what do “I” do when I’ve nothing to wear? Here’s my answer!

There are 5 important solutions I’ve come up with that might help you make your life a bit easier and this is something I follow as well! Let’s start!


1. Don’t tell me you’re mentally retarded?

If you are one, skip the rest of the steps, please! What I mean by my statement is something that’s never been taken care of and it plays a key role in every aspect of your life, even if it just about choosing something to wear! Guys, bring your mindset on track before you go and choose an outfit for yourself. You should never focus on imitating someone or impressing someone. Your motive should always be YOU eventually. Why would you wanna attach your happiness with other’s opinions? As long as you’ve your own eyes and a mirror, you should never rely on how people judge or consider you! This is one of the life’s lessons I’ve learned so far, people would never like you for all you possess materialistically but what you possess in your deeper self. If your motive is to flaunt and impress, guys, one day, the mask will come down and your bitter truths would be revealed and you’ll be alone. So keep your base strong, everything else settles by itself and so, your doubts about having enough in your closet.


2. Are you ashamed of your own closet?

Are you? There is something that once seemed eye candy and is no more a wrapper now! That’s the case with everybody! Don’t feel shy about repeating something you already have! If you have a closet, you must have quite a collection of apparels I must say! Why don’t you experiment with them? Mix and match and make the combinations you never made earlier and that’s how you can wear something that’s never worn in the past and yet something totally new! Just like I did here. So, never come up with this excuse again that you’ve nothing to wear.


3. Sneak in the closets around you!

And, to be very precise, only the ones that belong to your house! 😛 We can always make up something of something. What I mean by the statement is that you can make Y from an X and a Z from a Y. Are you confused? See how I did it! In these pictures, I’m wearing not mine but my husband’s shirt! But I feel so comfy in it that I don’t care if anyone says, Hawwww, ye kya pehna hai? My mirror told me the truth and I’m happy slaying in the same. Look for your dad’s, mom’s, brother’s, sister’s and even your grandparents’ closets and then if you don’t come up with something, you can still say you have nothing to wear. But, as I believe, you’d definitely find something appealing that’ll complete your outfit.

Just take the bloody risk!


4. Play with your accessories!

Accessories hold the power to change your entire look! You wear the same clothes and put on completely different accessories and nobody would even know that you’re repeating something. Accessories would gain all the attention. Some accessories, if carried in a certain way, can help you even repeating your outfit right next day. Like a long scarf, or some junk jewelry, or the belts. I’d come up with a separate post on this soon. Till then, bring out all your accessories and start using them to a great extent!


5. Be Bold

Yes, guys! It’s a must! Don’t be scared of how you might end up! It’s a matter of taking a chance. Following the rules is easy but trying out something new would get you some opportunity you never thought you can have. Trust me guys, in the end, people always look up to the risk takers and those who are doing things differently. So be confident and be bold in whatever outfit you come up with, it might take you to heights which you’ve never ever imagined. And if not that, to the least, you’d definitely have a good day in terms of your outfit.



Guys, next time when you stand in front of your closet and feel you have nothing to wear, please look again!


nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear

nothing to wear



Outfit Details:

Shirt – Husband’s closet (He got it from Color Plus)
Cotton palazzo Go Colors
Shoes Metro
Necklace – Ash Amaira, Khan Market



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