Best short fiction to read in today’s times when the world is highly displaced would be George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

We will tell you why!

The book ‘Animal Farm’ was inspired by the events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. George Orwell was an outspoken critic of totalitarianism and his observations of Soviet communism influenced the message and theme in the novel.

This clearly highlights the fact that the storyline of the book ‘Animal Farm’ is trying to bring the attention of the readers to Communism and how it ends both the mental and physical freedom of the people.

Animal Farm faced challenges in finding a publisher initially because of the political climate of the time. The country was in the midst of war and letting the writers criticize the Soviet Union was, apparently, not going to be the best decision for any publisher.

After facing many obstacles though, the book was published and became one of the most influential and best short fiction of political satire in the 20th century.

Before we talk about why Animal Farm is one of the best short fiction books to read more than ever now, you must know the basic storyline of the book.

Plot Summary of Animal Farm:

Animal Farm is set on a farm where all the animals, under the guidance of the pigs, rebel against their human oppressors. The animals establish their separate society and rules based on equality and true justice and topple their human masters entirely. However, with time, Napoleon, one of the leaders took hold of the power and transformed a life of freedom into complete dictatorship.

As you know the plot summary, it is time you must know why Animal Farm is one of the best short fiction novels to read.


1. Mirror of the mistakes of your ancestors:

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The book is the best reflection of the mistakes of your ancestors. As they say, we don’t have to commit all the mistakes ourselves, we can learn from the mistakes of others. And in this case, learning from our ancestors will only guide us as to where to not step upon in the field with camouflaged landmines.

Animal Farm mainly puts a light upon communism and totalitarianism, however, when you understand the pain of one extreme, you most often lead towards the other extreme and that is the situation of most of the countries right now.

The countries have democracy under Capitalism but are we not still under the control of our government parties? Is the general public happy? Is the society functioning perfectly, and is it able to protect its land?

NO! Right?

Animal Farm will share the blunders of people in general and where they get convinced foolishly by the higher authorities.

These mistakes will tell you where even in the situation of democracy, you can apply the same principles of not relying on and depending upon authorities to fulfill your societal and human needs.

It is easy to become a fool, and quite easier to overlook the manipulative strategies of the government authorities. After reading this best short fiction, you will at least question your intellect and push it towards the next level, a level where you are not blindly taking in all the manipulation.

If such a book has the power to make you think, I don’t see any reason for you to deny the idea of not reading Animal Farm.


2. Understand the root of how the strategies come into play:

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We are not talking about the strategies but the root of the creation of strategies.

One of the roots we can tell is how you’re observed highly all the time and how their strategies are based on what you’re looking for all the time.

The authorities, totalitarianist or democratic, both can mislead a common man. Since it is not about what kind of government we have but it is about the intelligence of human beings.

Do you know, that even your education is a manipulation of your brain? When you are a kid, you can’t change the education system but become a puppet of it. However, as a parent, or even a single adult, you have the power to fight against the education system if something feels inappropriate instead of blindly becoming a slave of it.

Also, do not be too proud of your intelligence as it is the product of the life you have lived which was mostly influenced by the established societies.

Animal Farm will give you examples of how a human gets so easily manipulated by the well-planned strategies of the authorities, which is why we say, it is one of the best short fiction for today.


3. Concept of Emotional Intelligence:

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The biggest problem of humanity is extremism. If you use your brain too much, you might end up hurting the sentiments of people. If you use your heart too much, it will also make it easier for you to get manipulated.

This book will share a great insight into why, now more than ever, you need to become emotionally intelligent if you wish to protect yourself and your respective families.

A few animals on the farm were very hardworking and intelligent in the story and they also could not identify the exploitation done by their leader ‘Napolean’. They were too emotional and kind to even enter the realm of leadership themselves.

All animals believed them more than the leaders, and they had the power to eradicate the misery that took hold of the farm. Yet, their emotional thought process could not bring them to take the job into their own hands and make the lives of every animal better and protected from the cruel dictatorship of the leader.

These are some of the best reasons why you must go and read ‘Animal Farm’ today and understand the loopholes of a human as a whole.

We hope we were able to explain why Animal Farm was one of the best short fiction novels of its time and we could convince you to give it a go especially when the world and its societies are in a mess.

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